0800 822 3370


Registered charity number: SC032343

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Ochre has been formed to promote awareness of oesophageal cancer amongst the public, professionals, politicians and patients.

We also intend to encourage research into the causes of oesophageal cancer and to develop information and support services for patients and their families. Upper gastrointestinal cancers are classically detected as advanced tumours and as such have a poor prognosis. A five-year survival rate of only 6% is achieved even with use of radiotherapy and surgery; as such, oesophageal cancer is now the fourth highest cancer killer in the UK and causes around 4,000 deaths each year. There is at present little dedicated research into the causes of oesophageal cancer or ways in which earlier diagnosis can be made.

Ochre is attempting to change this situation and has recently been instrumental in the purchase of a state-of-the-art LIFE-GI (light-induced-fluorescence-endoscopy) system, now in operation at Gartnavel General Hospital in Glasgow.The system, costing £39,000, is capable of detecting cancerous cells at a very early stage, thereby offering vastly improved chances of survival to oesophageal cancer patients.


Life Changing Challenges into triumph for Pamela and her friends Heidi Garrett & Lyndsay New.

A 10k trek of the South Downs on the 12th May raised pulses and hard earned cash for charity OCHRE...

Click here for more details >>


Mothers Day 2020: Here’s to Nancy and all the Mums missed so acutely today

Today is a Mother’s Day like no other. But while these exceptional circumstances occupy our thoughts and our plans, the Gardner…

Peter Johnstone: A Son's Tribute

For those of you (and there so many) who provide OCHRE with so much love and support, you know the challenges we face raising…


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